Want to play self-care bingo?

26 July 2021|3 min read

Whether you're in a funk and don't know where to start or you just feel like giving yourself some love; playing a game of self-care bingo may just brighten your day.

When you hear the words ‘self-care’, images of massages, bubble baths and face masks probably spring to mind. But self-care isn’t always about treating yourself. Sometimes, it’s simply about doing basic things that make your life a little better, meet your needs and line you up for success.

What are you waiting for? Print out or screenshot the images below and play a little game of self-care bingo.

Bingo card no. 1


From the mundane to the dreamy, pick at random or try to complete a full line of activities specially selected to put a pep in your step. 

  1. Eat a tasty fruit salad.
  2. Make a vision board.
  3. Say no to something you don’t want to do.
  4. Hide from your family and eat (healthy) snacks.
  5. Turn off the notifications on your phone.
  6. Drink some tea.
  7. Complete a to-do list item.
  8. Pack a box to donate.
  9. Wash your hair.
  10. Make the beds.
  11. Have a nap.
  12. Order take-away.

Bingo card no. 2


Self-care can be a complex beast. But sometimes it looks as simple as warm biscuits out of the oven or a couch session with your favourite movie. How many items are you going to cross off today? 

  1. Tidy an area of your home that annoys you.
  2. Cook and enjoy a healthy meal.
  3. Brush, floss and brush again.
  4. Move a deadline that’s stressing you out.
  5. Meditate.
  6. Write down three things you’re grateful for.
  7. Have a sit-down shower.
  8. Dance.
  9. Call a friend who makes you happy.
  10. Bake biscuits.
  11. Watch a comfort movie.
  12. Book an appointment with your doctor/dentist/therapist.

Bingo card no. 3


Partner with a friend or go solo, do some yoga or care for a plant - whatever you choose, don’t forget to cross it off your card.

The prize? A bit more calm, a possible mood-boost and hopefully - a little smile on your face. 

  1. Walk  in nature with no music on.
  2. Soak up the sun.
  3. Listen to the first album you ever bought.
  4. Clean out your fridge or pantry.
  5. Do 10 minutes of yoga.
  6. Unfollow people on social media who trigger you.
  7. Climb into fresh PJ’s + fresh bed sheets.
  8. Watch videos of cute animals.
  9. Water a plant.
  10. Write a list of goals. 
  11. Do a face mask.
  12. Outsource something.

Are you keen to get playing? Screenshot or print out the cards and start blotting! Invite your friends to play along by sharing your game on socials using the hashtag #HealthyLifeBingo

Reviewed by the healthylife Advisory Board July 21, 2021