How to hack your bathroom clean

24 November 2021|2 min read

Cleaning the bathroom. Am I right?! 

There really is no other job in the home that is quite so soul destroying. But why? Well mostly because when it’s done, your family still insists on using the bathroom. 

Anyway, let’s chat about some bathroom cleaning hacks to make this job a little more tolerable. 

But just quickly, before you try any of these hacks, do a quick patch test to check how your bathroom fixtures react to the suggested products. Just to be sure. You want to reduce your cleaning time, not increase it!

Keep a dish scrubber and squeegee in the shower 

You know those dishwashing wands that you put detergent in? 

Try keeping one in your shower and attacking any grubbiness that arises while you’re in there. If you have any issues with moisture or mould in your bathroom, consider using a squeegee to give the shower and screen a quick dry down each time it’s used.

Keeping these tools handy is a great way to incorporate shower cleaning into your everyday routine. 


Do a quick patch test to check how your bathroom fixtures react to new products

Use shaving foam to clean tiles (we’re not joking)

Grout around the toilet a little more fragrant than you would like? You could try smothering shaving foam around and leaving it for ten minutes before wiping it off. Take care with this hack as the floor may be slippery. Using a long-handled broom to apply the foam makes the process easier and means you can avoid walking on that part of the floor.

This hack went viral a little while back and the Facebook brainstrust wholeheartedly agrees it has potential. We couldn’t find any science to back up the claim, so let’s just say this one was simply ‘peer reviewed’. 

Up your scrubbing game with a drill bit scrubber 

Did you know you can buy scrubbing brushes that connect to a common hand drill? 

They’ve been popping up around the web. And if you’re not the type of person who fancies scrubbing your grout with a toothbrush (who is?) then these handy fittings may be the ticket.

If we’re being honest, there aren’t really that many situations where this amount of scrubbing is necessary but for the ones that do exist – game changer. 

Try lemon and salt for shower screens 

Some of that hazy build up on your shower screen may be caused by ‘hard water’. This is water that has a larger amount of minerals in it, like calcium and magnesium. 

To get rid of the ‘hard water’ stains, simply cut a lemon in half, dip it in coarse salt and rub it on your shower screen. The salt acts like a scrub and the acid in the lemon works to break down the stain.


Instead of a cloth, try using a crumpled up piece of newspaper to clean the mirror.

Go old school with some newspaper 

Need a mirror or window cleaning hack to help you avoid streaks and residual fluffy bits? Instead of a cloth, you could use a crumpled up piece of newspaper. Whether you choose a window cleaning product, methylated spirits or a vinegar and water solution, wiping it off with newspaper could help you avoid the streak. 

Be a magician with vinegar 

The magic product. Is there anything vinegar can’t do in the cleaning world? 

One of the best things about vinegar is that it’s a natural healthy alternative to household chemicals. And the very best thing – unlike many other things – it (usually) works. 

You could try combining it with baking soda to unclog blocked drains. Or diluting it with a half-half water ratio to tackle mould. You may even want to try soaking your shower head in a diluted solution to cut through limescale. 

And if we quickly circle back to the dishwashing wand, if you add vinegar to the dishwashing liquid, it could be the perfect solution for cleaning cloudy shower screens. Just give it a quick scrub and rinse. 


Reviewed by the healthylife Advisory Board November 2021.