9 ways to create a healthy mindset

Sam Wood7 April 2022|2 min read

It’s no secret that moving our bodies can reduce stress. Exercise is well known for releasing endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that cause us to feel good. 

To truly have a balanced approach when it comes to our health and wellness, we must look at our mental and physical health. 

This sounds like common sense but for most of us, we aren’t balanced at all and spend much more time and effort on the physical side of the equation. 

So with this in mind, I have filmed a little video with my 9 tips to help you get to a healthy mindset.

Please watch and see where you can simply and quickly add some of these into your routine.

When we get our heads in the right place, our bodies will follow. Getting, and keeping your head in the right space we will make the journey far more enjoyable, help you stay consistent, grow your confidence and self-esteem and build resilience.

So remember, my tips to create a healthy mindset are:

  1. Eat well
  2. Surround yourself with positive people
  3. Practise gratitude
  4. Don’t compare yourself to others
  5. Find a hobby
  6. Give back
  7. Talk about your feelings
  8. Exercise - and in particular move in the morning
  9. Take time to reflect

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Reviewed by the healthylife Advisory Board April 2022

Sam Wood has over 20 years of experience as a personal trainer and is recognised as one of Australia’s leading experts and media commentators in the health & fitness industry. Sam is the founder and personal trainer of 28, Australia’s #1 home fitness and nutrition program.