A guide to a low FODMAP stir-fry

10 August 2022|3 min read

The stir-fry is a simple weeknight dinner staple and super easy to make low FODMAP! Who doesn’t love a low FODMAPs stir-fry?

For many of us, the stir-fry is that easy throw together meal that’s healthy and satisfying. Being low FODMAP doesn’t mean this has to change. The stir-fry is super easy to adapt to your low FODMAP diet, with a little extra thought.

Here’s how to make a low FODMAP stir fry

Choose a low FODMAP carbohydrate

  • Brown or basmati rice
  • Soba noodles
  • Rice noodles

Choose from some low FODMAP veggies

  • Bamboo shoots (1 cup)
  • Beans (12)
  • Capsicum (½ cup)
  • Bok choy (1 cup )
  • Broccoli heads (1 cup)
  • Red or common cabbage (1 cup)
  • Carrot (eat freely!)
  • Zucchini (½ cup)
  • Japanese pumpkin (eat freely!)

We have included the maximum amount that can be eaten safely in one sitting beside each vegetable. If you’re making a stir-fry with multiple types of vegetables you are unlikely to consume over this amount for any of these.

For example, if you choose to include capsicum, you might use 2 cups of capsicum for 4-5 servings. This means you will be eating less than half a cup per serve. If you choose to include bok choy, you could use up to 4 cups of bok choy in a dish that serves 4.

Choose a lean protein

  • Chicken/Beef/Pork/Prawns
  • Tofu
  • Nuts and seeds – cashews, peanuts, sesame seeds

Choose some low FODMAP flavour – experiment!

  • Infused olive oil – Garlic, onion, lemon herb and chilli flavours are all available in the Cobram Estate Range
  • Leek leaves
  • Chilli (1 x 11cm)
  • Ginger
  • Oyster sauce
  • Soy sauce
  • Lemongrass
  • Lemon and lime
  • Herbs – coriander, basil

Need help with the low FODMAP diet? Our FREE dietitian developed program will guide you through it, step-by-step. Includes a low FODMAP food guide. Sign up now.If you are experiencing gut symptoms and have not been recommended a low FODMAP diet by a health professional, get started with the manage your gut symptoms program.

Reviewed by the healthylife Advisory Board March 2022