Easy breakfast ideas for kids

2 September 2021|3 min read

Having a positive morning can set you up for a positive day. One way to make sure things run smoothly is to have breakfast ideas for kids that you know will be eaten. And, are ready to go with the least amount of fuss.

Breakfast is literally ‘breaking the fast’, usually from the last thing you ate at night to the first thing you eat the next day.

Any food can be eaten to break your fast, but here are some more traditional breakfast ideas using whole foods that can be pre-prepared ahead of time.

Preparation is important


Getting the kids involved can help introduce new foods to picky eaters.

The key to a smooth-running morning is all in the prep work. Creating a weekly family meal plan with breakfast ideas for your kids can help make sure you have all the ingredients to create meals your kids will eat.

Getting the kids involved can help introduce new foods to picky eaters as well as making sure they have foods they enjoy.

Once you’ve got your meal plan, spend a bit of time prepping your breakfast options so there’s less to do in the morning.

For starters, see what parts of your meal plan can be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge or freezer. And, if you like a cooked breakfast in the morning, make sure all the ingredients are stored together. Use a small basket to put everything in so they’re easy to find in the fridge.

If you like to have fruit as a breakfast option, peel and chop what is necessary and store it in an airtight container overnight.

Healthy breakfast for kids

French style toast

This is a great breakfast idea for kids as it can be made in bulk and frozen so it's ready to pop in the toaster. The protein from the eggs and carbs from the bread make this a healthier option.

Choose whole grain bread or a high fibre white bread as the extra fibre helps keep little tummies fuller for longer and may aid digestion. Top with fresh berries and a drop of vanilla and, et voilà. 

Overnight Oats

Prepare the oats the night before with milk or any milk-alternative, such as almond milk or coconut milk. Other “superfoods” can be added, such as chia seeds to increase the omega-3 fatty acids and fibre.

With the pre-chopped fruit on-hand, it’s easy for your child to help themselves to the toppings they want which makes oats a great breakfast idea for kids.


Milkshakes are always a hit with kids. Make it a smoothie by using whole foods like blueberries, natural yoghurt and full cream milk. With the sweetness of the fruit, it’s a good way to squeeze some more veggies into your toddler’s diet.

Try adding in some small pieces of frozen cauliflower or zucchini. Being frozen means they can be chopped ahead of time and can help make the smoothie thick and creamy.


Taking care of the entire family’s nutritional needs can become overwhelming.

Scrambled eggs

Some kids like a warm breakfast, especially in winter. It's easy to think a cooked breakfast takes too much time to make, but scrambled eggs can cook quicker than a piece of toast.

Eggs are a complete protein option and an excellent choice to help look after your hair, nails and skin.

Serve with a cup of fresh baby spinach or add the spinach to the eggs while they’re cooking to include more vitamin A and C, folate, iron and calcium.

What about cereal and breakfast drinks?

Cereal has been a popular breakfast choice for many years. It might seem like a quick and easy breakfast option, but many commercial cereals have added sugar. If you need to have cereal as a breakfast option for kids, look for ones with minimal added sugar, or simply choose oats..

Pre-made breakfast drinks also sound like an easy option, but making your own smoothie allows you to control what goes in it, and by using a to-go cup it can be drunk on the way to school.


If you like to have fruit as a breakfast option, peel and chop what is necessary and store it in an airtight container overnight.

Make your breakfast ideas for kids work for the whole family

Taking care of the entire family’s nutritional needs can become overwhelming. Especially when you know that healthier foods for a toddler might not be the same as healthier eating patterns for teenagers.

Take a few hours to meal plan with nutrient-dense food options in line with the Australian Dietary Guidelines. This can help make sure you’re covering as much as possible when it comes to your family’s health.

And even then, some kids just don't like eating breakfast. All you can do is try your best to give them healthier options.


Reviewed by the healthylife Advisory Board July 2021.